Hard- and Software

PlaceOnPCB changelog

Change history

Version Date Change
BetaV1.0.0 07.10.2020 First released
BetaV1.0.1 07.10.2020 Button "Allways show top and bottom added
BetaV1.0.2 08.10.2020 more Messages added
BetaV1.0.3 08.10.2020 partly translated
BetaV1.0.4 09.10.2020 Some layouts were displayed too large, corrected
BetaV1.0.5 13.10.2020 Sorting group added.
V1.0.0 17.10.2020 In "Group sort" view values are also sorted. In first line of group the amount is shown. Message "Unexpected element found"; can now be switched off.
V1.0.0a 18.10.2020 Translation completed
V1.1 29.10.2020 List Bom added, data is printable
V1.2 01.11.2020 Window could get out of view, fixed.
V2.00.0 23.12.2020 GUI renewed
V2.00.1 31.12.2020 Show total top and left done, if only bottom is selected, bottom view is mirrored, sort order R, C, rest, atlternate data stream removed and replaced with hidden and readonly filename. PlaceSel